Expressing your love does not have to be expensive. Spontaneously giving one rose has the same thought behind it as giving a dozen. Little surprises-- gifts, notes, and greeting cards-- make your partner feel valued and loved by you.
Keep love burning... Always
A few romantic moments can banish boredom from a relationship.
Great Gifts For Guys
Would you like to give your man a special gift? Here's a list of innovative ideas.
Sustaining Love Everyday
Relationships either rise or fall-- they do not stand still. If you are not putting in the efforts.
Building Intimacy
Having an intimate relationship has always been a dream come true, since there is no hard and fast rule for being so.
5 of the toughest questions women ask
There are five things that women should never, ever ask a guy,... women ask them anyway. But, here are the replies!
Do's and Don't's of courtship
What 'to do' and what to 'avoid' when you're trying to become a 'forever couple'
Compatibility Charts
Your sign is 'X' and his/her sign is 'Y'. What does it mean ? Read on, for some interesting and hilarious insights.
10 Ways to Light Her Fire
Make sure at least once this week you tell her that who she is, her basic core, is what you adore.
Planning a romantic evening
The key to making a romantic evening special is to keep it simple. If you are running around making the food....
Man's guide to a Woman's Language
"It's okay" - this is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can say to a man.
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